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There are 8 words beginning with TACHE

TACHEtache n. (Informal) Moustache, mustache.
tache n. (Now rare) A spot, stain, or blemish.
tache n. Something used for taking hold or holding; a catch; a loop; a button.
TACHEOMETERtacheometer n. Alternative spelling of tachymeter.
TACHEOMETER n. an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
TACHEOMETERStacheometers n. Plural of tacheometer.
TACHEOMETER n. an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
TACHEOMETRICTACHEOMETRIC adj. relating to tacheometry, the rapid measurement of points on a survey, such as distance, elevation, etc., also TACHEOMETRICAL.
TACHEOMETRICALTACHEOMETRICAL adj. relating to tacheometry, the rapid measurement of points on a survey, such as distance, elevation, etc., also TACHEOMETRIC.
TACHEOMETRIESTACHEOMETRY n. measurement by use of a tacheometer, an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
TACHEOMETRYtacheometry n. Alternative spelling of tachymetry.
TACHEOMETRY n. measurement by use of a tacheometer, an instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map.
TACHEStaches n. Plural of tache.
'taches n. Plural of ’tache.
TACHE n. (biblical) a fastening or clasp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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