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There are 10 words beginning with TUND

TUNDTUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TUNDEDTUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TUNDINGtunding n. (UK, archaic, school slang) A caning.
TUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TUNDISHtundish n. A kind of funnel used in brewing fitting into the bung-hole of a tun or cask.
tundish n. A funnel used in smelting, foundry work etc.
tundish n. A funnel used to create a siphonic break in a drainage system and/or provide visual indication of flow…
TUNDISHEStundishes n. Plural of tundish.
TUNDISH n. (Shakespeare) a wooden funnel.
TUNDRAtundra n. A flat and treeless Arctic biome.
Tundra prop.n. A surname from Romanian.
TUNDRA n. a level, treeless expanse of arctic land.
TUNDRAStundras n. Plural of tundra.
TUNDRA n. a level, treeless expanse of arctic land.
TUNDSTUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TUNDUNtundun n. Alternative form of turndun.
TUNDUN n. (Native Australian) an Australian bullroarer, also TURNDUN.
TUNDUNStunduns n. Plural of tundun.
TUNDUN n. (Native Australian) an Australian bullroarer, also TURNDUN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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