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There are 20 words beginning with TRUM

TRUMPtrump n. (Card games) The suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others.
trump n. (Card games) A playing card of that suit.
trump n. (Figuratively) Something that gives one an advantage, especially one held in reserve.
TRUMPStrumps n. Plural of trump.
trumps n. (Britain) The suit in a game of cards that outranks all others.
trumps n. The major arcana of the tarot.
TRUMEAUtrumeau n. (Architecture) The pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of a doorway or window…
trumeau n. A trumeau mirror.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.
TRUMPEDtrumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of trump.
TRUMP v. to outdo.
TRUMPETtrumpet n. A musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat; by extension, any type…
trumpet n. Someone who plays the trumpet; a trumpeter.
trumpet n. The cry of an elephant, or any similar loud cry.
TRUMEAUXtrumeaux n. Plural of trumeau.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.
TRUMPERYtrumpery n. Worthless finery; bric-a-brac or junk.
trumpery n. Nonsense.
trumpery n. (Obsolete) Deceit; fraud.
TRUMPETStrumpets n. Plural of trumpet.
trumpets n. A plant (Sarracenia flava) with long, hollow leaves.
trumpets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trumpet.
TRUMPINGtrumping v. Present participle of trump.
trumping n. The act by which something is trumped, topped or capped.
trumping n. (Poetic, archaic) The sound of a trumpet.
TRUMPETEDtrumpeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of trumpet.
TRUMPET v. to sound on a brass wind instrument.
TRUMPETERtrumpeter n. Someone who plays a trumpet.
trumpeter n. Any of three species of bird in the family Psophiidae from South America named for the trumpeting threat…
trumpeter n. Any of a number of breeds of fancy pigeon (variety of domestic pigeon (Columba livia), originally bred…
TRUMPINGStrumpings n. Plural of trumping.
TRUMPING n. the act of trumping.
TRUMPLESStrumpless adj. (Card games) Without a trump card.
Trumpless adj. Without Donald Trump.
Trump-less adj. Alternative form of Trumpless.
TRUMPERIEStrumperies n. Plural of trumpery.
TRUMPERY n. worthless finery.
TRUMPETERStrumpeters n. Plural of trumpeter.
TRUMPETER n. one who plays the trumpet.
TRUMPETINGtrumpeting n. Action of the verb to trumpet.
trumpeting n. (Mining) A channel cut behind the brick lining of a shaft.
trumpeting v. Present participle of trumpet.
TRUMPETINGStrumpetings n. Plural of trumpeting.
TRUMPETING n. the act of trumpeting.
TRUMPETLIKEtrumpetlike adj. Resembling a trumpet or its sound.
TRUMPETLIKE adj. resembling a trumpet.
TRUMPETWEEDtrumpetweed n. Any of the joe-pye weeds, herbaceous composite plants of genus Eutrochium, often having hollow stems…
trumpetweed n. The sea trumpet.
TRUMPETWEED n. any of various eupatorium plants of the US.
TRUMPETWEEDSTRUMPETWEED n. any of various eupatorium plants of the US.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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