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There are 20 words beginning with TRUE

TRUEtrue adj. (Of a statement) Conforming to the actual state of reality or fact; factually correct.
true adj. Conforming to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate.
true adj. (Logic) Of the state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result.
TRUEDtrued v. Simple past tense and past participle of true.
TRUE v. to make true.
TRUERtruer adj. Comparative form of true: more true.
TRUE adj. corresponding to fact, also TREW.
TRUEStrues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of true.
Trues prop.n. Plural of True.
TRUE v. to make true.
TRUESTtruest adj. Superlative form of true: most true.
TRUE adj. corresponding to fact, also TREW.
TRUEINGtrueing v. Present participle of true.
TRUE v. to make true.
TRUEMANTrueman prop.n. A surname.
TRUEMAN n. (archaic) an honest man.
TRUEMENTRUEMAN n. (archaic) an honest man.
TRUEBLUEtrue-blue adj. Alternative form of true blue.
true-blue n. Alternative form of true blue.
true␣blue adj. Steadfastly faithful or loyal; unwavering in loyalty; staunch, true.
TRUEBORNtrueborn adj. Genuinely by birth; legitimate.
trueborn n. (Fantasy) A person of legitimate birth.
true-born adj. Alternative form of trueborn.
TRUEBREDtruebred adj. Alternative form of true-bred.
true-bred adj. Purebred; genetically pure.
true-bred adj. Genuine.
TRUELOVEtruelove n. One who is truly beloved; a true love.
truelove n. (Botany) A plant, Paris quadrifolia.
Truelove prop.n. A surname.
TRUENESStrueness n. The characteristic of being true.
trueness n. Loyalty; faithfulness; constancy.
TRUENESS n. the quality of being true.
TRUEBLUEStrue␣blues n. Plural of true blue.
TRUEBLUE n. a person of unwavering loyalty.
TRUELOVEStrueloves n. Plural of truelove.
Trueloves prop.n. Plural of Truelove.
true␣loves n. Plural of true love.
TRUEPENNYtruepenny n. (Obsolete, sometimes capitalized) An honest, reliable fellow.
true-penny n. Alternative form of truepenny.
TRUEPENNY n. (Shakespeare) an honest fellow.
TRUENESSESTRUENESS n. the quality of being true.
TRUEHEARTEDtruehearted adj. Alternative form of true-hearted.
true-hearted adj. Having a faithful heart; honest; sincere; not faithless or deceitful.
TRUEHEARTED adj. faithful, loyal.
TRUEPENNIEStruepennies n. Plural of truepenny.
true-pennies n. Plural of true-penny.
TRUEPENNY n. (Shakespeare) an honest fellow.
TRUEHEARTEDNESStrueheartedness n. The quality of being true-hearted.
TRUEHEARTEDNESS n. the state of being truehearted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 149 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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