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There are 10 words beginning with TIRA

TIRADEtirade n. A long, angry or violent speech.
tirade n. A section of verse concerning a single theme.
tirade v. To make a long, angry or violent speech, a tirade.
TIRAGEtirage n. The drawing of wine from its barrel.
TIRAGE n. drawing wine from a barrel before bottling.
TIRADEStirades n. Plural of tirade.
tirades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tirade.
TIRADE n. (French) a long vehement or angry harangue.
TIRAGEStirages n. Plural of tirage.
TIRAGE n. drawing wine from a barrel before bottling.
TIRASSEtirasse n. (Very rare) A pedal-coupler in organ-building.
TIRASSE n. (French) a pedal-coupler in an organ.
TIRAMISUtiramisu n. An Italian semifreddo dessert, originally from Veneto, made from ladyfinger biscuits, cocoa, mascarpone…
tiramisù n. Alternative spelling of tiramisu.
TIRAMISU n. (Italian) a dessert made with pieces of sponge soaked in coffee and marsala, layered with mascarpone and chocolate.
TIRASSEStirasses n. Plural of tirasse.
TIRASSE n. (French) a pedal-coupler in an organ.
TIRAMISUStiramisus n. Plural of tiramisu.
tiramisùs n. Plural of tiramisù.
TIRAMISU n. (Italian) a dessert made with pieces of sponge soaked in coffee and marsala, layered with mascarpone and chocolate.
TIRAILLEURtirailleur n. An infantry soldier.
TIRAILLEUR n. (French) a skirmisher; a sharpshooter.
TIRAILLEURStirailleurs n. Plural of tirailleur.
TIRAILLEUR n. (French) a skirmisher; a sharpshooter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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