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There are 15 words beginning with TERN

TERNtern n. Any of various seabirds of the subfamily Sternidae (of the family Laridae) that are similar to gulls…
tern n. (Dated or obsolete) A thing with three components; a set of three things.
tern adj. (Chiefly botany, rare) Consisting of three components; ternate, threefold, triple.
TERNALternal adj. Threefold.
TERNAL adj. threefold.
TERNARIESternaries n. Plural of ternary.
TERNARY n. a group of three.
TERNARYternary adj. Made up of three things.
ternary adj. Arranged in groups of three.
ternary adj. (Arithmetic) To the base three.
TERNATEternate adj. (Botany) Having three divisions (or leaflets).
Ternate prop.n. An island in Maluku, Indonesia.
Ternate prop.n. A North Halmahera language of eastern Indonesia, spoken on the island of Ternate.
TERNATELYternately adv. In a ternate manner.
TERNATE adv. with three leaflets.
TERNEterne adj. Colourless, drab, dull.
terne n. (Also attributively) An alloy coating made of lead and tin (or, more recently, zinc and tin), often…
terne n. Synonym of terneplate (“thin iron or steel sheeting coated with this alloy”).
TERNEDTERNE v. to cover with an alloy of lead and tin.
TERNEPLATEterneplate n. (Also attributively) Thin iron or steel sheeting coated with an alloy of lead and tin (or, more recently…
TERNEPLATE n. thin iron sheets coated with an alloy of lead and tin.
TERNEPLATESterneplates n. Plural of terneplate.
TERNEPLATE n. thin iron sheets coated with an alloy of lead and tin.
TERNESternes n. Plural of terne.
TERNE v. to cover with an alloy of lead and tin.
TERNINGTERNE v. to cover with an alloy of lead and tin.
TERNIONternion n. The number three; three things together; a ternary or triplet.
ternion n. A section of paper for a book containing three double leaves or twelve pages.
TERNION n. a triad; a section of a book with three double leaves.
TERNIONSternions n. Plural of ternion.
TERNION n. a triad; a section of a book with three double leaves.
TERNSterns n. Plural of tern.
TERN n. a long-winged aquatic bird, related to the gulls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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