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There are 10 words beginning with TEPI

TEPIDtepid adj. Lukewarm; neither warm nor cool.
tepid adj. Uninterested; exhibiting little passion or eagerness; lukewarm.
TEPID adj. moderately warm.
TEPIDERtepider adj. Comparative form of tepid: more tepid.
TEPID adj. moderately warm.
TEPIDLYtepidly adv. In a tepid or halfhearted manner.
TEPID adv. moderately warm.
TEPIDESTtepidest adj. Superlative form of tepid: most tepid.
TEPID adj. moderately warm.
TEPIDITYtepidity n. The property of being tepid.
TEPIDITY n. the state of being tepid.
TEPIDARIAtepidaria n. Plural of tepidarium.
TEPIDARIUM n. (Latin) a warm room between the hot and cold rooms of a Roman bath.
TEPIDNESStepidness n. The property of being tepid.
TEPIDNESS n. the state of being tepid.
TEPIDARIUMtepidarium n. (Historical) A warm room in a Roman baths that was usually heated by a hypocaust.
tepidarium n. (Historical) A boiler in which the water was heated.
tepidarium n. Any room containing a warm bath.
TEPIDITIEStepidities n. Plural of tepidity.
TEPIDITY n. the state of being tepid.
TEPIDNESSESTEPIDNESS n. the state of being tepid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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