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There are 12 words beginning with TAPI

TAPIRtapir n. Any one of the species of large odd-toed ungulates of the taxonomic family Tapiridae with a long prehensile…
TAPIR n. (Tupi) a large odd-toed hoofed mammal with a short flexible proboscis.
TAPIStapis n. A tapestry.
tapis n. Carpeting.
tapis n. (Historical) The cover of a council table.
TAPINGtaping v. Present participle of tape.
taping n. The act of something being recorded on tape.
taping n. The act of something being stuck with adhesive tape.
TAPIRStapirs n. Plural of tapir.
TAPIR n. (Tupi) a large odd-toed hoofed mammal with a short flexible proboscis.
TAPISTtapist n. A person who prepares tape recordings.
TAPIST n. one who revels in the use of red tape.
TAPINGStapings n. Plural of taping.
TAPING n. the act of recording something to magnetic tape.
TAPIOCAtapioca n. A starchy food made from the cassava plant, used in puddings.
tapioca n. The cassava plant, Manihot esculenta, from which tapioca is derived; manioc.
TAPIOCA n. (Tupi) a starchy food made by heating cassava.
TAPISEStapises n. Plural of tapis.
TAPIS n. (French) a tapestry; formerly, the cover of a council table.
TAPISTStapists n. Plural of tapist.
TAPIST n. one who revels in the use of red tape.
TAPIOCAStapiocas n. Plural of tapioca.
TAPIOCA n. (Tupi) a starchy food made by heating cassava.
TAPIROIDtapiroid adj. (Zoology) Related to the tapir.
tapiroid n. Any perissodactyl of the superfamily Tapiroidea.
TAPIROID n. any member of the tapir family.
TAPIROIDStapiroids n. Plural of tapiroid.
TAPIROID n. any member of the tapir family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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