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There are 17 words beginning with TALA

TALAtala n. The currency of Samoa, divided into 100 sene.
tala n. (Music) A rhythmic pattern in Indian music.
TALA n. (Sanskrit) a traditional rhythmic pattern in Indian music.
TALAKtalak n. Alternative spelling of talaq.
TALAK n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAQ.
TALAQtalaq n. (Islam) An Islamic divorce, sanctioned by the Qur’an.
talaq v. (Islam) To divorce somebody by these means.
TALAQ n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAK.
TALARtalar adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the talus.
talar n. An ankle-length robe.
TALAR n. an ankle-length robe.
TALAStalas n. Plural of tala.
Talas prop.n. A city in Kyrgyzstan.
Talas prop.n. A river in Kyrgyzstan.
TALAKStalaks n. Plural of talak.
TALAK n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAQ.
TALANTTALANT n. (Spenser) talon, also TALAUNT, TALON.
TALAQStalaqs n. Plural of talaq.
TALAQ n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAK.
TALARStalars n. Plural of talar.
TALAR n. an ankle-length robe.
TALANTSTALANT n. (Spenser) talon, also TALAUNT, TALON.
TALARIAtalaria n. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) The winged sandals worn by certain gods and goddesses, especially…
TALARIA n. (Latin) small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury or Hermes.
TALAUNTTALAUNT n. (Spenser) a talon, also TALANT, TALON.
TALAYOTtalayot n. (Archaeology) A kind of Bronze Age megalith found on the islands of Minorca and Majorca.
TALAYOT n. (Spanish) a prehistoric stone monument of the Balearic Isles.
TALAPOINtalapoin n. A monkey from one of two species of Old World monkeys, of the genus Miopithecus, distinguished by a…
talapoin n. (Archaic, Buddhism) A Buddhist monk or priest.
TALAPOIN n. (Portuguese) a small green West African guenon monkey; a title of respect for a Buddhist monk.
TALAUNTSTALAUNT n. (Spenser) a talon, also TALANT, TALON.
TALAYOTStalayots n. Plural of talayot.
TALAYOT n. (Spanish) a prehistoric stone monument of the Balearic Isles.
TALAPOINStalapoins n. Plural of talapoin.
TALAPOIN n. (Portuguese) a small green West African guenon monkey; a title of respect for a Buddhist monk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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