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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with TEXT

TEXTBOOKStextbooks n. Plural of textbook.
TEXTBOOK n. a book used in the study of a subject.
TEXTONYMStextonyms n. Plural of textonym.
TEXTONYM n. one of several words that may be keyed into a mobile phone by pressing the same sequence of buttons.
TEXTORIALtextorial adj. Of or pertaining to weaving.
TEXTORIAL adj. (archaic) of or pertaining to weaving.
TEXTPHONEtextphone n. (Britain) A telephone with a simple keyboard and a small screen, used by the deaf.
TEXTPHONE n. a phone that can transmit text messages.
TEXTSPEAKtextspeak n. (Informal) The abbreviated, simplified form of language used in text messages, which often elides vowels…
TEXTSPEAK n. the style of language commonly used in text messages, including abbreviations, truncations, use of numbers, etc.
TEXTUALLYtextually adv. In a textual manner.
textually adv. Regarding text.
TEXTUAL adv. pertaining to a text.
TEXTURINGtexturing v. Present participle of texture.
texturing n. The application of a texture to something.
TEXTURING n. making a texture by weaving.
TEXTURISEtexturise v. Alternative spelling of texturize.
TEXTURISE v. to give a particular texture to, also TEXTURIZE.
TEXTURIZEtexturize v. (Transitive) To apply a physical texture to.
texturize v. (Transitive, computer graphics) To apply a visual texture to.
TEXTURIZE v. to give a particular texture to, also TEXTURISE.
TEXTUROUStexturous adj. Textured.
TEXTUROUS adj. possessing texture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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