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There are 17 nine-letter words beginning with TEST

TESTACEANtestacean adj. Covered with or having a shell.
testacean n. (Zoology) One of the rhizopods in Testacea.
TESTACEAN n. a microscopic animal with a hard shell.
TESTACIESTESTACY n. the state of being testate.
TESTAMENTtestament n. (Law) A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his or her will as to disposal…
testament n. One of the two parts to the scriptures of the Christian religion: the New Testament, considered by Christians…
testament n. A tangible proof or tribute.
TESTAMURStestamurs n. Plural of testamur.
TESTAMUR n. (Latin) a certificate of having passed an examination.
TESTATIONtestation n. The action of a testator in disposing of property by a will.
TESTATION n. a witnessing or witness.
TESTATORStestators n. Plural of testator.
TESTATOR n. one who makes a will, also TESTATE.
TESTATRIXtestatrix n. (Law) A female testator.
TESTATRIX n. a (female) person who leaves a valid will at death.
TESTATUMStestatums n. Plural of testatum.
TESTATUM n. (Latin) one of the clauses of an English deed.
TESTCROSStestcross n. (Genetics) The breeding of an individual with a phenotypically recessive individual, in order to determine…
testcross v. (Genetics) To breed an individual in this manner.
test␣cross n. Alternative form of testcross.
TESTERNEDtesterned v. Simple past tense and past participle of testern.
TESTERN v. (Shakespeare) to reward with sixpence.
TESTICLEStesticles n. Plural of testicle.
TESTICLE n. a male reproductive gland, also TESTIS.
TESTIFIEDtestified v. Simple past tense and past participle of testify.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
TESTIFIERtestifier n. One who testifies; a witness.
TESTIFIER n. one who testifies.
TESTIFIEStestifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of testify.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
TESTIMONYtestimony n. (Law) Statements made by a witness in court.
testimony n. An account of first-hand experience.
testimony n. (Religion) In a church service (or religious service), a personal account, such as one’s conversion…
TESTINESStestiness n. The state or quality of being testy.
TESTINESS n. the state of being testy.
TESTRILLSTESTRILL n. (obsolete) a sixpence, also TESTRIL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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