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There are 15 seven-letter words beginning with TRAN

TRANCEDtranced adj. Held as if in a trance; captivated.
TRANCE v. to put into a semiconscious state.
TRANCEStrances n. Plural of trance.
TRANCE v. to put into a semiconscious state.
TRANCEYtrancey adj. (Informal) Trancelike.
trancey adj. (Informal, music) Resembling or pertaining to trance music, i.e. immersively melodic with a strong electronic…
TRANCEY adj. (of music, etc.) creating a hypnotic effect.
TRANCHEtranche n. A slice, section or portion.
tranche n. (Insurance) A distinct subdivision of a single policyholder’s benefits, typically relating to separate…
tranche n. (Pensions) A pension scheme’s or scheme member’s benefits relating to distinct accrual periods with…
TRANECTTRANECT n. (Shakespeare) a ferry.
TRANGAMtrangam n. (Obsolete) Showy or worthless article.
TRANGAM n. a showy or worthless article.
TRANGLEtrangle n. (Heraldry) One of the diminutives of the fess.
TRANGLE n. in heraldry, a diminutive of the fesse.
TRANKEDtranked v. Simple past tense and past participle of trank.
TRANK v. (short for) to tranquillize.
TRANKUMTRANKUM n. (Scott) a trinket, also TRINKUM.
TRANNIEtrannie n. Alternative spelling of tranny (“mechanical transmission”).
TRANNIE n. (colloquial) transistor, also TRANNY.
TRANSEStranses n. Plural of transe.
transes n. Plural of trans.
TRANSE n. a through passage.
TRANSITtransit n. The act of passing over, across, or through something.
transit n. The conveyance of people or goods from one place to another, especially on a public transportation system;…
transit n. (Astronomy) The passage of a celestial body across the observer’s meridian, or across the disk of a…
TRANSOMtransom n. (Architecture) A crosspiece over a door; a lintel.
transom n. (Architecture) A horizontal dividing bar in a window.
transom n. A transom window.
TRANTEDtranted v. Simple past tense and past participle of trant.
TRANT v. to traffic in an itinerant manner; to peddle.
TRANTERtranter n. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) One who trants; a peddler; a carrier.
Tranter prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
TRANTER n. one who trants; a peddler; a carrier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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