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There are 12 seven-letter words beginning with TRAC

TRACERStracers n. Plural of tracer.
TRACER n. a kind of ammunition.
TRACERYtracery n. (Architecture) Bars or ribs, usually of stone or wood, or other material, that subdivide an opening…
tracery n. (By extension) A delicate interlacing of lines reminiscent of the architectural ornament.
TRACERY n. ornamental work of interlaced lines.
TRACEURtraceur n. A practitioner of parkour.
TRACEUR n. (French) a participant in parkour, the sport of running in urban areas performing gymnastics on manmade objects.
TRACHEAtrachea n. (Anatomy) A thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi.
trachea n. (Botany, dated) The xylem vessel.
trachea n. (Entomology) One of the cuticle-lined primary tubes in the respiratory system of an insect, which extend…
TRACHLETRACHLE v. to draggle, also TRAUCHLE.
TRACINGtracing n. The reproduction of an image made by copying it through translucent paper.
tracing n. A record in the form of a graph made by a device such as a seismograph.
tracing n. The process of finding something that is lost by studying evidence.
TRACKEDtracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of track.
tracked adj. Mounted on tracks.
TRACK v. to follow the marks of an animal or vehicle.
TRACKERtracker n. Agent noun of track; one who, or that which, tracks or pursues, as a man or dog that follows game.
tracker n. In an organ, a light strip of wood connecting (in path) a key and a pallet, to communicate motion by pulling.
tracker n. (Computing) A type of computer software for composing music by aligning notes or samples on parallel timelines.
TRACKIEtrackie n. (UK, Australia, informal) A tracksuit.
TRACKIE adj. (of a garment) originally constituting part of a tracksuit.
TRACTEDtracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tract.
TRACT v. (Spenser) to trace, track.
TRACTORtractor n. (Agriculture) A vehicle used in farms e.g. for pulling farm equipment and preparing the fields.
tractor n. (Agriculture) A movable coop without a floor to allow for free ranging.
tractor n. (US) A truck (or lorry) for pulling a semi-trailer or trailer.
TRACTUStractus n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A tract.
TRACTUS n. (Latin) a psalm sung instead of the Alleluia in Lent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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