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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with TEST

TESTACYtestacy n. (Law) The condition of being testate, of having left a valid will at one’s death.
TESTACY n. the state of being testate.
TESTATAtestata n. Plural of testatum.
TESTATUM n. (Latin) one of the clauses of an English deed.
TESTATEtestate adj. (Law) having left a legally valid last will and testament (of one who has died).
testate n. (Law) one who has left a valid will and testament.
testate adj. (Zoology) Having a test (external calciferous shell or endoskeleton).
TESTEEStestees n. Plural of testee.
TESTEE n. one who is tested.
TESTERNtestern n. (Obsolete) A sixpence; a tester.
testern v. (Obsolete, transitive) To present with a sixpence.
TESTERN v. (Shakespeare) to reward with sixpence.
TESTERStesters n. Plural of tester.
Testers prop.n. Plural of Tester.
TESTER n. a canopy over a bed.
TESTIERtestier adj. Comparative form of testy: more testy.
TESTY adj. irritable.
TESTIFYtestify v. To make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath.
testify v. To make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
TESTILYtestily adv. In a testy way; in the manner of someone who is testy.
TESTY adv. irritable.
TESTINGtesting adj. Difficult; tough.
testing n. The act of conducting a test; trialing, proving.
testing v. Present participle of test.
TESTONStestons n. Plural of teston.
Testons prop.n. Plural of Teston.
TESTON n. a name for various silver coins, originally bearing a king's or duke's head.
TESTOONtestoon n. An old Italian silver coin.
testoon n. (Obsolete) The English silver shilling.
TESTOON n. a Portuguese or Italian teston, a kind of coin.
TESTRILTESTRIL n. (obsolete) a sixpence, also TESTRILL.
TESTUDOtestudo n. (Ancient Rome, military, historical) A shelter formed by a body of troops holding their shields or targets…
testudo n. A shelter of similar shape for miners, etc.
testudo n. (Anatomy) The fornix.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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