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There are 14 ten-letter words beginning with TREM

TREMATODEStrematodes n. Plural of trematode.
TREMATODE n. a kind of parasitic flatworm, also TREMATOID.
TREMATOIDStrematoids n. Plural of trematoid.
TREMATOID n. a kind of parasitic flatworm, also TREMATODE.
TREMBLIESTtrembliest adj. Superlative form of trembly: most trembly.
TREMBLY adj. tremulous.
TREMBLINGStremblings n. Plural of trembling.
TREMBLING n. the act of trembling.
TREMENDOUStremendous adj. Awe-inspiring; terrific.
tremendous adj. Notable for its size, power, or excellence.
tremendous adj. Extremely large (In amount, extent, degree, etc.) or great.
TREMOLANDItremolandi n. Plural of tremolando.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.
TREMOLANDOtremolando n. (Music) A tremolo section of a piece.
tremolando adv. (Music) Played with a tremolo effect.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.
TREMOLANTStremolants n. Plural of tremolant.
TREMOLANT n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLO.
TREMOLITEStremolites n. Plural of tremolite.
TREMOLITE n. a white variety of amphibole, or hornblende, occurring in long, bladelike crystals, and coarsely fibrous masses.
TREMOLITICtremolitic adj. Relating to, or containing, tremolite.
TREMOLITIC adj. of or like tremolite, a white variety of amphibole.
TREMORLESStremorless adj. Without tremors.
TREMORLESS adj. without a tremor.
TREMULANTStremulants n. Plural of tremulant.
TREMULANT n. a device in an organ or electronic instrument for producing a tremolo effect.
TREMULATEDtremulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of tremulate.
TREMULATE v. to sound with a tremolo effect.
TREMULATEStremulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tremulate.
TREMULATE v. to sound with a tremolo effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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