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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 20 ten-letter words beginning with THRE

THREADBAREthreadbare adj. (Of cloth) shabby, frayed and worn to an extent that warp threads show.
threadbare adj. Damaged or shabby.
threadbare adj. (Of a person) wearing clothes of threadbare material.
THREADFINSthreadfins n. Plural of threadfin.
THREADFIN n. any small, spiny-finned tropical fish of the family Polynemidae, with five threads on its pectoral fins.
THREADIESTthreadiest adj. Superlative form of thready: most thready.
THREADY adj. resembling a thread.
THREADLESSthreadless adj. Without a thread.
THREADLESS adj. without a thread.
THREADLIKEthreadlike adj. Having the form of a thread.
threadlike adj. Resembling a thread in length or thinness.
THREADLIKE adj. like thread.
THREADWORMthreadworm n. A parasitic roundworm, Strongyloides stercoralis, which causes strongyloidiasis.
threadworm n. (UK, Australia) The pinworm.
THREADWORM n. any long, slender nematode worm, esp. the pinworm and filaria.
THREATENEDthreatened v. Simple past tense and past participle of threaten.
threatened adj. (Ecology, of a plant or animal) At risk of becoming endangered in the near future.
threatened adj. Feeling insecure or vulnerable.
THREATENERthreatener n. One who threatens.
THREATENER n. one who threatens.
THREEPEATSthreepeats n. Plural of threepeat.
three-peats n. Plural of three-peat.
THREEPEAT v. to win a sporting trophy on three consecutive occasions.
THREEPENCEthreepence n. (Uncountable) The amount of money equal to that of three pence (old or new).
threepence n. (Countable, historical) A former (pre-decimalisation) British or Irish coin worth three old pence.
THREEPENCE n. a coin worth three pence, also THREEPENNY, THRUPPENCE, THRUPPENNY.
THREEPENNYthreepenny adj. Having a value or cost of threepence.
threepenny adj. Of little worth; mean; vulgar.
threepenny n. A stamp worth three pence.
THREEQUELSthreequels n. Plural of threequel.
THREEQUEL n. a film, play, book etc. that is a sequel to a first sequel.
THREESCOREthreescore n. (Archaic) Sixty. (60)
THREESCORE n. three times twenty.
THREESOMESthreesomes n. Plural of threesome.
THREESOME n. a set of three.
THRENODIALthrenodial adj. Pertaining or similar to a threnody.
THRENODIAL adj. of or like a threnody, a song of lamentation for the dead, also THRENETIC, THRENETICAL, THRENODIC.
THRENODIESthrenodies n. Plural of threnody.
THRENODY n. (Greek) a song of lamentation, also THRENODE.
THRENODISTthrenodist n. (Rare) A person who writes or says a threnody.
THRENODIST n. one who composes, delivers, or utters, a threnode, or threnody.
THREONINESthreonines n. Plural of threonine.
THREONINE n. an essential amino acid.
THRESHINGSthreshings n. Plural of threshing.
THRESHING n. the act of threshing.
THRESHOLDSthresholds n. Plural of threshold.
THRESHOLD n. the sill of a house door; the place or point of entering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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