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There are 16 words beginning with TIS

TIStis cont. Alternative form of ’tis.
tis n. Plural of ti.
TIs n. Plural of TI.
TISANEtisane n. A medicinal drink, originally made from barley soaked in water.
TISANE n. an infusion of herbs or barley, also PTISAN.
TISICKTISICK n. (Shakespeare) a cough.
TISSUEtissue n. Thin, woven, gauze-like fabric.
tissue n. A fine transparent silk material, used for veils, etc.; specifically, cloth interwoven with gold or…
tissue n. A sheet of absorbent paper, especially one that is made to be used as tissue paper, toilet paper or a handkerchief.
TISWAStiswas n. (UK) A state of nervous excitement or confusion.
TISWAS n. a tizzy, a state of confusion, also TIZWAS.
TISANEStisanes n. Plural of tisane.
TISANE n. an infusion of herbs or barley, also PTISAN.
TISICKSTISICK n. (Shakespeare) a cough.
TISSUALtissual adj. (Biology, archaic) Of or relating to tissue.
TISSUAL adj. pertaining to tissue.
TISSUEDtissued adj. Clothed in, or adorned with, tissue.
tissued adj. Variegated.
tissued v. Simple past tense and past participle of tissue.
TISSUEStissues n. Plural of tissue.
tissues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tissue.
TISSUE v. to weave into a fine, sheer fabric.
TISSUEYtissuey adj. Tissuelike.
TISSUEY adj. of or like tissue.
TISSUIERTISSUEY adj. of or like tissue.
TISSUINGtissuing v. Present participle of tissue.
TISSUE v. to weave into a fine, sheer fabric.
TISSULARtissular adj. Of or pertaining to tissue.
TISSULAR adj. pertaining to structural material.
TISWASESTISWAS n. a tizzy, a state of confusion, also TIZWAS.
TISSUIESTTISSUEY adj. of or like tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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