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There are 13 words beginning with TIB

TIBIAtibia n. (Anatomy) The inner and usually the larger of the two bones of the leg or hind limb below the knee, the shinbone.
tibia n. (Entomology) The second segment from the end of an insect’s leg, between the femur and tarsus.
tibia n. (Arachnology) The third segment from the end of an arachnid’s leg, between the patella and metatarsus.
TIBIAEtibiae n. Plural of tibia.
TIBIA n. (Latin) the part of the leg below the knee.
TIBIALtibial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to a tibia or a structure associated with a tibia.
tibial adj. (Music) Of or relating to a pipe or flute.
tibial n. (Anatomy) A tibial bone.
TIBIAStibias n. Plural of tibia.
TIBIA n. (Latin) the part of the leg below the knee.
TIBIALEStibiales n. Plural of tibialis.
TIBIALIS n. a muscle in the calf of the leg.
TIBIALIStibialis n. Either of two muscles that attach to the tibia.
TIBIALIS n. a muscle in the calf of the leg.
TIBIOTARSItibiotarsi n. Plural of tibiotarsus.
TIBIOTARSUS n. in birds, a bone formed by the fusion of the tibia and some of the tarsals.
TIBOUCHINAtibouchina n. Any of various species of myrtalean trees of the genus Tibouchina, native to tropical America, many…
Tibouchina prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Melastomataceae – certain flowering plants.
TIBOUCHINA n. a plant of the Tibouchina genus of shrubs, with purple flowers.
TIBIOFIBULAtibiofibula n. A bone, in some reptiles, that is formed by fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOTARSUStibiotarsus n. (Anatomy) The large bone between the femur and tarsometatarsus in the leg of a bird, formed by the union…
TIBIOTARSUS n. in birds, a bone formed by the fusion of the tibia and some of the tarsals.
TIBOUCHINAStibouchinas n. Plural of tibouchina.
TIBOUCHINA n. a plant of the Tibouchina genus of shrubs, with purple flowers.
TIBIOFIBULAEtibiofibulae n. Plural of tibiofibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOFIBULAStibiofibulas n. Plural of tibiofibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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