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There are 20 words beginning with TAF

TAFFYtaffy n. (US) A soft, chewy candy made from boiled sugar, molasses, or corn syrup and butter.
taffy n. (Informal) Flattery.
Taffy n. (Slang, sometimes derogatory) A Welshman.
TAFIAtafia n. (Caribbean) A variety of rum.
Tafia prop.n. Alternative spelling of Taffia.
TAFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFFIA.
TAFFIAtaffia n. Alternative form of tafia.
Taffia prop.n. (Humorous, may be mildly offensive) Any group of Welsh people who practice nepotism or live in an ethnic enclave.
TAFFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFIA.
TAFIAStafias n. Plural of tafia.
TAFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFFIA.
TAFFETAtaffeta n. A crisp, smooth woven fabric made from silk or synthetic fibers.
TAFFETA n. a thin glossy silk, also TAFFETAS.
TAFFETYtaffety n. Dated form of taffeta.
TAFFETY adj. made of taffeta, a thin glossy silk.
TAFFIAStaffias n. Plural of taffia.
TAFFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFIA.
TAFFIEStaffies n. Plural of taffy.
Taffies prop.n. Plural of Taffy.
TAFFY n. a hard-baked chewy sweet, made of sugar and butter, also TOFFEE, TOFFY.
TAFFARELTAFFAREL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFRAIL, TAFFEREL.
TAFFERELtafferel n. A carved panel.
tafferel n. (Nautical) The flat upper part of a ship’s stern above the transom, often decorated with carvings.
tafferel n. (Nautical) The taffrail.
TAFFETAStaffetas n. Plural of taffeta.
TAFFETAS n. a thin glossy silk, also TAFFETA.
TAFFRAILtaffrail n. (Nautical) The curved wooden top of the stern of a sailing man-of-war or East Indiaman, usually carved or decorated.
taffrail n. (Nautical) The rail around the stern of a ship.
taffrail n. (Nautical) The deck area at the stern of a vessel.
TAFFARELStaffarels n. Plural of taffarel.
TAFFAREL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFRAIL, TAFFEREL.
TAFFERELStafferels n. Plural of tafferel.
TAFFEREL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFRAIL, TAFFAREL.
TAFFETIERTAFFETY adj. made of taffeta, a thin glossy silk.
TAFFRAILStaffrails n. Plural of taffrail.
TAFFRAIL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFAREL, TAFFEREL.
TAFFETASESTAFFETAS n. a thin glossy silk, also TAFFETA.
TAFFETIESTTAFFETY adj. made of taffeta, a thin glossy silk.
TAFFETISEDTAFFETISED adj. resembling taffeta, also TAFFETIZED.
TAFFETIZEDtaffetized adj. (Textiles) Given a texture resembling that of taffeta.
TAFFETIZED adj. resembling taffeta, also TAFFETISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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