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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with TUN

TUNDISHEStundishes n. Plural of tundish.
TUNDISH n. (Shakespeare) a wooden funnel.
TUNEFULLYtunefully adv. In a tuneful manner.
TUNEFUL adv. melodious.
TUNESMITHtunesmith n. A composer of tunes.
TUNESMITH n. a songwriter or composer of light music.
TUNGSTATEtungstate n. (Chemistry) Any salt of tungstic acid.
TUNGSTATE n. a salt of tungstic acid.
TUNGSTENStungstens n. Plural of tungsten.
TUNGSTEN n. a metallic element.
TUNGSTITEtungstite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic hydrous tungsten oxide mineral formed by the weathering of other tungsten-containing…
TUNGSTITE n. a yellow earthy mineral, tungsten oxide.
TUNGSTOUStungstous adj. (Chemistry) containing tetravalent tungsten.
TUNGSTOUS adj. containing tungsten in a low valence state.
TUNICATEDtunicated adj. Tunicate.
TUNICATED adj. having the form of a tunicate.
TUNICATEStunicates n. Plural of tunicate.
TUNICATE n. a small marine animal.
TUNNELERStunnelers n. Plural of tunneler.
TUNNELER n. one who tunnels, also TUNNELLER.
TUNNELINGtunneling n. The act of burrowing a tunnel.
tunneling n. The practice of exploring tunnel.
tunneling n. (Physics) The quantum mechanical passing of a particle through an energy barrier.
TUNNELLEDtunnelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of tunnel.
TUNNEL v. to dig a tunnel.
TUNNELLERtunneller n. (British spelling) Alternative form of tunneler.
TUNNELLER n. one who tunnels, also TUNNELER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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