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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with TUN

TUNBELLYtun-belly n. A big potbelly or paunch.
TUNBELLY n. a potbelly.
TUNEABLEtuneable adj. Alternative spelling of tunable.
TUNEABLE adj. capable of being tuned, also TUNABLE.
TUNEABLYtuneably adv. Alternative form of tunably.
TUNEABLE adv. capable of being tuned, also TUNABLE.
TUNEAGESTUNEAGE n. (a piece of) recorded music that one likes.
TUNELESStuneless adj. Having no pleasing tune; not tuneful.
tuneless adj. Silent or mute.
TUNELESS adj. without a tune.
TUNGSTENtungsten n. A rare metallic chemical element (symbol W, from Latin wolframium) with an atomic number of 74.
tungsten n. A light bulb containing tungsten.
tungsten n. (Mineralogy, obsolete) scheelite, calcium tungstate.
TUNGSTICtungstic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to tungsten, especially hexavalent tungsten.
TUNGSTIC adj. of or pertaining to tungsten, as tungstic oxide.
TUNICATEtunicate n. Any of very many chordate marine animals, of the subphyla Tunicata or Urochordata, including the sea squirts.
tunicate adj. Of or pertaining to these animals.
tunicate adj. (Anatomy, botany) Enclosed in a tunic or mantle; covered or coated with layers.
TUNICINStunicins n. Plural of tunicin.
TUNICIN n. a gelatinous substance found in the tests of tunicates.
TUNICKEDtunicked adj. Wearing a tunic.
TUNICKED adj. wearing a tunic.
TUNICLEStunicles n. Plural of tunicle.
TUNICLE n. a short ecclesiastical vestment worn by a bishop or subdeacon.
TUNNAGEStunnages n. Plural of tunnage.
TUNNAGE n. a tax of so much a tun on imported wines.
TUNNELEDtunneled v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of tunnel.
TUNNEL v. to dig a tunnel.
TUNNELERtunneler n. One who makes tunnels.
tunneler n. A device for making tunnels.
TUNNELER n. one who tunnels, also TUNNELLER.
TUNNINGSTUNNING n. the act of tunning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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