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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with TAX

TAXABLEStaxables n. Plural of taxable.
TAXABLE n. a taxable item.
TAXATIONtaxation n. The act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed.
taxation n. A particular system of taxing people or companies.
taxation n. The revenue gained from taxes.
TAXATIVEtaxative adj. Relating to taxation.
taxative adj. Exhaustive, comprehensive.
TAXATIVE adj. of taxing.
TAXIARCHtaxiarch n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) An Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
TAXIARCH n. an Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
TAXICABStaxicabs n. Plural of taxicab.
taxicabs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taxicab.
TAXICAB n. automobile for hire.
TAXINGLYtaxingly adv. In a taxing manner.
TAXIWAYStaxiways n. Plural of taxiway.
TAXIWAY n. at an airport, a specially prepared track used for the movement of aircraft.
TAXONOMYtaxonomy n. The science or the technique used to make a classification.
taxonomy n. A classification; especially, a classification in a hierarchical system.
taxonomy n. (Taxonomy, uncountable) The science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms.
TAXPAYERtaxpayer n. A person who is subject to, liable for, or pays tax as opposed to a nontaxpayer who is neither the subject…
taxpayer n. All of the people, collectively, in a population who pay tax (especially used in the context of the…
TAXPAYER n. one who pays taxes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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