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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with TEC

TECHIERtechier adj. Comparative form of techy: more techy.
TECHY adj. irritable, also TEACHIE, TETCHY.
TECHIEStechies n. Plural of techie.
TECHIE n. an expert in or enthusiast for technology, also TEKKIE.
TECHILYtechily adv. Alternative form of tetchily.
TECHY adv. irritable, also TEACHIE, TETCHY.
TECHNICtechnic n. The method of performance in any art; technique.
technic n. (In the plural) Technical terms or objects; things pertaining to the practice of an art or science.
technic n. (In the plural) The doctrine of arts in general; those branches of learning that relate to the arts.
TECHNOStechnos n. The technological means.
TECHNO n. (short for) technomusic, a type of fast, repetitive electronic dance music.
TECKELSTECKEL n. (German) a dachshund.
TECTITEtectite n. Alternative form of tektite.
TECTITE n. a type of small glassy stone, thought to be a product of meteorite impact, also TEKTITE.
TECTRIXtectrix n. The covert of a bird’s wing.
TECTRIX n. (Latin) one of the coverts (feathers covering the main feathers) of a bird's wing.
TECTUMSTECTUM n. (Latin) a rooflike body structure, esp. the dorsal part of the midbrain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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