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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with TAT

TATAMIStatamis n. Plural of tatami.
TATAMI n. (Japanese) straw matting used as a floor covering.
TATHATAtathata n. (Buddhism) thusness, suchness.
TATHATA n. (Sanskrit) the ultimate nature of things in Buddhism.
TATHINGtathing v. Present participle of tath.
TATH v. to manure.
TATLERStatlers n. Plural of tatler.
TATLER n. an indiscreet talker, a gossip, also TATTLER.
TATOUAYtatouay n. An armadillo (Cabassous tatouay), native to tropical South America; the broad-banded armadillo.
TATOUAY n. a South American armadillo.
TATSOISTATSOI n. (Chinese) a variety of Chinese cabbage.
TATTERStatters n. (Plural only) Ragged clothing or fabric, paper, etc.
tatters n. Plural of tatter.
tatters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tatter.
TATTERYtattery adj. Tattered.
TATTERY adj. ragged.
TATTIERtattier adj. Comparative form of tatty: more tatty.
TATTY adj. shabby, frayed.
TATTIEStatties n. Plural of tatty.
TATTIE n. (colloquial) a potato, also TATER, TATIE.
TATTILYtattily adv. In a tatty manner.
TATTY adv. shabby, frayed.
TATTINGtatting n. A form of looped and knotted lace needlework made from a single thread.
tatting n. The art of making such lace.
tatting v. Present participle of tat.
TATTLEDtattled v. Simple past tense and past participle of tattle.
TATTLE v. to tell tales.
TATTLERtattler n. One who tattles (notifies authorities of illicit behavior) or is inclined to do so; a tattletale.
tattler n. Either of two similar bird species in the shorebird genus Heteroscelus (Tringa in some taxonomies).
tattler n. A device fitted to a vehicle to measure mileage etc.
TATTLEStattles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tattle.
TATTLE v. to tell tales.
TATTOOStattoos n. Plural of tattoo.
tattoos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tattoo.
TATTOO v. to mark the skin with indelible pigments, also TATTOW, TATU.
TATTOWStattows n. Plural of tattow.
tattows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tattow.
TATTOW v. to mark the skin by pricking in indelible dyes, also TATTOO, TATU.
TATUINGtatuing v. Present participle of tatu.
TATU v. to mark the skin in this way, also TATTOO, TATTOW.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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