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There are 20 seven-letter words beginning with TAI

TAIAHAStaiahas n. Plural of taiaha.
TAIAHA n. (Maori) a long-handled club with a sharp tip.
TAIGLEDTAIGLE v. to entangle or hinder.
TAIGLESTAIGLE v. to entangle or hinder.
TAIHOASTAIHOA v. (Maori) to hold on, wait.
TAILARDTAILARD n. (obsolete) a person with a tail.
TAILERStailers n. Plural of tailer.
TAILER n. one who secretly follows another.
TAILFANtailfan n. The outer part of a bird’s tail, farthest from the body.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.
TAILFINtailfin n. A fin at the tail of a fish, caudal fin.
tailfin n. A fin on the tail of an aircraft, vertical stabilizer.
tailfin n. (Automotive) A fin-like projection at the rear of a car, common on American cars of the 1950s.
TAILFLYTAILFLY n. part of a fishing fly which resembles the tail of an insect.
TAILINGtailing v. Present participle of tail.
tailing n. The act of following someone.
tailing n. (Architecture) The part of a projecting stone or brick inserted in a wall.
TAILLEStailles n. Plural of taille.
TAILLE n. (historical) a tax levied by a French king or overlord on his subjects, or on lands held from or under him.
TAILLIEtaillie n. Alternative form of tailzie.
TAILLIE n. (Scots) an entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary one substituted, also TAILYE, TAILZIE.
TAILORStailors n. Plural of tailor.
tailors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tailor.
Tailors prop.n. Plural of Tailor.
TAILYEStailyes n. Plural of tailye.
TAILYE n. (Scots) an entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary one substituted, also TAILLIE, TAILZIE.
TAILZIEtailzie n. (Law, Scotland) An entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary…
TAILZIE n. (Scots) an entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary one substituted, also TAILLIE, TAILYE.
TAINTEDtainted adj. Corrupted or filled with imperfections.
tainted adj. (Computer security, of data) Originating from an untrusted source.
tainted v. Simple past tense and past participle of taint.
TAIPANStaipans n. Plural of taipan.
tai-pans n. Plural of tai-pan.
TAIPAN n. (Native Australian) an Australian venomous snake.
TAISHESTAISH n. (Gaelic) an apparition of someone about to die, also TAISCH.
TAIVERSTAIVER v. (Scots) to wander, to rave, also TAVER.
TAIVERTTAIVERT adj. (Scots) muddled, fuddled, also TAVERT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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