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There are 19 five-letter words beginning with TOR

TORAHTorah prop.n. The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, attributed to Moses and therefore also known as the Five…
Torah prop.n. The full body of written Jewish law, including the Tanakh, the Talmud, the Mishnah and the midrashic texts.
Torah prop.n. The whole of Jewish law, both written and unwritten.
TORANtoran n. (Architecture) A gateway consisting of two upright pillars carrying one to three transverse lintels…
TORAN n. (Hindi) in the Indian subcontinent, a sacred Buddhist gateway, also TORANA.
TORASTORA n. (Hebrew) the body of Jewish law and learning, including sacred literature and oral tradition, also TORAH.
TORCHtorch n. A stick with a flame on one end, used chiefly as a light source; a similarly shaped implement with a…
torch n. (Commonwealth) A portable light source powered by electricity; a flashlight.
torch n. (US) An arsonist.
TORCStorcs n. Plural of torc.
TORC n. a necklace or armband in the form of a twisted metal band.
TOREStores n. Plural of tore.
TORE n. a surface described by rotation of conic section about a line.
TORICtoric adj. Pertaining to or shaped like a torus, or a section of a torus; toroidal.
TORIC adj. having the form of a torus, a rounded swelling.
TORIC n. a torus, a rounded swelling.
TORIItorii n. (Shinto) A traditional Japanese gate at Shinto shrines, symbolically marking the transition from the…
TORII n. (Japanese) a Shinto temple gateway.
TOROStoros n. Plural of toro.
TORO n. (Spanish) a bull.
TOROTTorot n. Plural of Torah.
TORAH n. (Hebrew) the body of Jewish law, also TORA.
TORRStorrs n. Plural of torr.
Torrs prop.n. Plural of Torr.
Torrs n. Plural of Torr.
TORSEtorse n. (Heraldry) A twist of cloth or wreath underneath and forming part of a crest; an orle, a wreath. It…
torse n. Obsolete form of torso.
TORSE n. (French) a heraldic wreath.
TORSItorsi n. Plural of torso.
TORSO n. (Italian) the trunk of the human body.
TORSKtorsk n. An edible fish, Brosme brosme.
TORSK n. (Norwegian) a marine food fish, aka cusk.
TORSOtorso n. The main part of the (human) body that extends from the neck to the groin, excluding the head and limbs.
TORSO n. (Italian) the trunk of the human body.
TORTAtorta n. (US) A sandwich, served either hot or cold, on an oblong white sandwich roll, derived from Mexican cuisine.
torta n. A Philippine omelette of ground meat and potatoes.
torta n. A flat heap of moist, crushed silver ore, prepared for the patio process.
TORTEtorte n. A rich, dense cake, typically made with many eggs and relatively little flour (as opposed to a sponge…
TORTE n. (German) a rich cake made of many eggs, little flour, and usually containing nuts.
TORTStorts n. Plural of tort.
TORT n. a civil wrong.
TORUStorus n. (Geometry) The standard representation of such a space in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: a surface or…
torus n. (Architecture) A large convex molding, typically semicircular in cross section, which commonly projects…
torus n. (Anatomy) A rounded ridge of bone or muscle, especially one on the occipital bone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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