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There are 15 five-letter words beginning with TER

TERAIterai n. A belt of marshy land, which lies between the foothills of the Himalayas and the plains.
terai n. A terai hat.
TERAI n. (Hindi) a wide-brimmed ventilated hat.
TERASteras n. (Medicine) a grossly malformed fetus.
Teras prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Tortricidae – moths whose larva makes a nest by fastening…
TERAS n. (Greek) a monstrosity.
TERCEterce n. (Historical) The third hour of daylight (about 9 am).
terce n. (Chiefly Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy) The service appointed for this hour.
terce n. (Scotland, law) A widow’s right, where she has no conventional provision, to a liferent of a third of…
TEREKTerek prop.n. A river that flows in Georgia and Russia.
Terek n. A Terek sandpiper.
TEREK n. (Russian) a kind of sandpiper.
TERESteres n. (Anatomy) A terete muscle.
TERES n. (Latin) either of two muscles of the shoulder-blade.
TERFETERFE n. (Milton) turf, also TERF.
TERFSterfs n. Plural of terf.
TERFs n. Plural of TERF.
TERF n. (Milton) turf, also TERFE.
TERGAterga n. Plural of tergum.
TERGUM n. (Latin) the back of an arthropod, also TERGITE.
TERMSterms n. Plural of term.
terms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of term.
TERM v. to designate.
TERNEterne adj. Colourless, drab, dull.
terne n. (Also attributively) An alloy coating made of lead and tin (or, more recently, zinc and tin), often…
terne n. Synonym of terneplate (“thin iron or steel sheeting coated with this alloy”).
TERNSterns n. Plural of tern.
TERN n. a long-winged aquatic bird, related to the gulls.
TERRAterra n. A continent or large landmass, e.g. Arabia Terra or Aphrodite Terra.
terra n. A Lunar highland or mountainous region with a relatively high albedo, e.g. Terra Nivium.
Terra prop.n. (Roman mythology) The Roman earth goddess, equivalent in the interpretatio graeca to Gaea.
TERRYterry n. A type of coarse cotton fabric covered in many small raised loops that is used to make towels, bathrobes…
Terry prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic from the medieval Norman given name Thierry, a cognate of the English Derek.
Terry prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages transferred back from the surname, or a diminutive of…
TERSEterse adj. (By extension) Of speech or style: brief, concise, to the point.
terse adj. (By extension) Of manner or speech: abruptly or brusquely short; curt.
terse adj. (Obsolete) Burnished, polished; fine, smooth; neat, spruce.
TERTSTERTS n. (short for) tetrachlorethylene, a chemical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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