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There are 6 four-letter words beginning with TAN

TANAtana n. Alternative form of thana.
tana n. The banxring or tree shrew.
Tana prop.n. A nickname for Antananarivo.
TANEtane v. (Archaic or Scotland) Alternative form of taken.
TANE v. (Spenser) taken.
TANGtang n. A refreshingly sharp aroma or flavor.
tang n. A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself.
tang n. (Figuratively) A sharp, specific flavor or tinge.
TANHtanh sym. (Trigonometry) The symbol of the hyperbolic function hyperbolic tangent.
TANH n. (short for) a hyperbolic tangent.
TANKtank n. A closed container for liquids or gases.
tank n. An open container or pool for storing water or other liquids.
tank n. A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.
TANStans n. Plural of tan.
tans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tan.
Tans n. (Ireland, Britain) The Black and Tans, a British irregular army group operating against Irish republicans…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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