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There are 4 four-letter words beginning with TAI

TAILtail n. (Anatomy) The caudal appendage of an animal that is attached to its posterior and near the anus.
tail n. An object or part of an object resembling a tail in shape, such as the thongs on a cat-o’-nine-tails.
tail n. The back, last, lower, or inferior part of anything.
TAINtain n. (Obsolete) Thin tin plate.
tain n. (Obsolete) Tin foil for mirrors.
Tain prop.n. A town (royal burgh) in Ross-shire, Highland council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NH7882).
TAIStais n. A traditional woven cloth produced by women in East Timor.
Tais n. Plural of Tai.
TAI n. (Japanese) a Japanese sea bream.
TAITtait n. The honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus).
Tait prop.n. A Scottish surname transferred from the nickname, originally a nickname for a cheerful or lively person.
TAIT n. (Scots) a small portion, a pinch, also TATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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