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List of 4-letter words beginning with

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There are 5 four-letter words beginning with TAC

TACEtace n. Alternative form of tasse.
TACE n. in plate armour, one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt, also TASLET, TASSE, TASSET.
TACHtach n. (Informal) Clipping of tachometer.
tach n. (Obsolete, costermongers) A hat.
tach n. (Medicine, colloquial) Tachycardia.
TACKtack n. A small nail with a flat head.
tack n. A thumbtack.
tack n. (Sewing) A loose seam used to temporarily fasten pieces of cloth.
TACOtaco n. (Cooking) A Mexican snack food made of a small tortilla (soft or hard shelled) filled with ingredients…
taco n. (US, slang) The vulva.
taco n. (US, slang) A yellow stain on a shirt armpit caused by sweat or deodorant.
TACTtact n. The sense of touch; feeling.
tact n. (Music) The stroke in beating time.
tact n. Sensitive mental touch; special skill or faculty; keen perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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