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There are 10 twelve-letter words beginning with TOR

TORCHBEARERStorchbearers n. Plural of torchbearer.
TORCHBEARER n. one that carries a torch.
TORMENTINGLYtormentingly adv. In a tormenting manner.
TORMENTING adv. inflicting great bodily or mental suffering.
TORPESCENCESTORPESCENCE n. becoming numb or torpid.
TORPIDNESSESTORPIDNESS n. the state of being torpid.
TORREFACTIONtorrefaction n. Drying or roasting; especially an anaerobic heat treatment to make wood waterproof.
torrefaction n. (More generally) The act or process of subjecting something to heat or to highly acidic substances.
torrefaction n. (Metaphoric) An angry outburst; vituperation.
TORRENTIALLYtorrentially adv. In a torrential manner, or to a torrential degree.
TORRENTIAL adv. resembling a torrent, also TORRENTUOUS.
TORRIDNESSESTORRIDNESS n. the state of being torrid.
TORSIOGRAPHStorsiographs n. Plural of torsiograph.
TORSIOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object.
TORTUOSITIEStortuosities n. Plural of tortuosity.
TORTUOSITY n. the state of being tortuous.
TORTUOUSNESStortuousness n. The property of being tortuous.
TORTUOUSNESS n. the state of being tortuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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