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There are 18 ten-letter words beginning with TYP

TYPECASTERTYPECASTER n. one who typecasts.
TYPESCRIPTtypescript n. Typewritten material, especially such a copy of a manuscript.
typescript v. (Transitive) To transcribe into typewritten form.
TypeScript prop.n. (Scripting language) A scripting programming language that is a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript.
TYPESETTERtypesetter n. (Historical) A person who sets type; an employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable…
typesetter n. (Historical) A machine that combines type in the correct order for printing.
TYPESETTER n. one whose job is to set type.
TYPESTYLEStypestyles n. Plural of typestyle.
TYPESTYLE n. a style of type.
TYPEWRITERtypewriter n. A device, at least partially mechanical, used to print text by pressing keys that cause type to be impressed…
typewriter n. (Archaic) One who uses a typewriter; a typist.
typewriter n. (US, dated, slang) A machine gun or submachine gun (from the noise it makes when firing).
TYPEWRITEStypewrites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of typewrite.
TYPEWRITE v. to write on a typewriter.
TYPHACEOUStyphaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Typhaceae of cattails.
TYPHACEOUS adj. relating to the reed-mace genus, Typha.
TYPHLOLOGYtyphlology n. (Medicine) The scientific study of blindness.
TYPHLOLOGY n. the study of blindness and the blind.
TYPHLOSOLEtyphlosole n. A fold in the surface of the intestines of some invertebrates etc that increases its digestive surface area.
TYPHLOSOLE n. a fold of the wall which projects into the cavity of the intestine in bivalve mollusks, certain annelids, starfishes, and some other animals.
TYPHOGENICtyphogenic adj. Causing typhus.
TYPHOGENIC adj. causing typhus or typhoid fever.
TYPHOIDINStyphoidins n. Plural of typhoidin.
TYPHOIDIN n. a culture of dead typhoid bacillus for injection into the skin as a test for typhoid fever.
TYPICALITYtypicality n. Typicalness.
TYPICALITY n. the state of being typical, also TYPICALNESS.
TYPOGRAPHStypographs n. Plural of typograph.
TYPOGRAPH v. to produce stamps by letterpress.
TYPOGRAPHYtypography n. The art or practice of setting and arranging type; typesetting.
typography n. The practice or process of printing with type.
typography n. The appearance and style of typeset matter.
TYPOLOGIEStypologies n. Plural of typology.
TYPOLOGY n. the study of classification according to type.
TYPOLOGISTtypologist n. A linguist who specializes in linguistic typology.
TYPOLOGIST n. a student of typology.
TYPOMANIASTYPOMANIA n. the overwhelming urge to see one's name in print.
TYPOTHETAEtypothetae n. (Obsolete) printers.
TYPOTHETAE n. printers collectively; used in the names of organized associations, as of master printers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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