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There are 6 ten-letter words beginning with SUPERST

SUPERSTARSsuperstars n. Plural of superstar.
SUPERSTAR n. an extremely popular and successful star of the cinema, popular music, etc.
SUPERSTATEsuperstate n. A state formed by the union of multiple lesser states.
SUPERSTATE n. a state or organization having governing power over subordinate states.
SUPERSTOCKsuperstock n. (Linguistics) A broad grouping of languages; a phylum.
superstock n. A kind of premier stock car with a strong roll cage and usually a modified V8 engine.
SUPERSTOCK n. a very high-performing stock.
SUPERSTOREsuperstore n. An extremely large store; a hypermarket.
SUPERSTORE n. a very large store often offering a wide variety of merchandise for sale.
SUPERSTORMsuperstorm n. A major storm (weather phenomenon).
SUPERSTORM n. an extremely powerful storm that causes widespread devastation.
SUPERSTUDSsuperstuds n. Plural of superstud.
SUPERSTUD n. an exceptionally virile male.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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