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There are 14 words beginning with SILICI

SILICICsilicic adj. Of, related to, or derived from silica.
SILICIC adj. relating to or obtained from silica; as, silicic acid.
SILICIDEsilicide n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any compound of silicon with a more electropositive element.
SILICIDE n. a silicon compound.
SILICIFYsilicify v. (Transitive) to impregnate something with silica.
silicify v. (Intransitive) to be impregnated with, or converted into silica.
SILICIFY v. to convert into silica.
SILICIUMsilicium n. (Obsolete) The non-metallic chemical element silicon.
SILICIUM n. the original name of the element silicon.
SILICIDESsilicides n. Plural of silicide.
SILICIDE n. a silicon compound.
SILICIOUSsilicious adj. Alternative spelling of siliceous.
SILICIOUS adj. consisting in a noteworthy part of silica, typically quartz, also SILICEOUS.
SILICIUMSSILICIUM n. the original name of the element silicon.
SILICIFIEDsilicified adj. Combined with silicon.
silicified adj. Impregnated with silica; petrified.
silicified v. Simple past tense and past participle of silicify.
SILICIFIESsilicifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of silicify.
SILICIFY v. to convert into silica.
SILICIFYINGsilicifying v. Present participle of silicify.
SILICIFY v. to convert into silica.
SILICICOLOUSsilicicolous adj. (Biology) That lives in a siliceous environment.
SILICICOLOUS adj. growing in silicate or sandy soil.
SILICIFEROUSsiliciferous adj. Yielding or bearing silica.
SILICIFEROUS adj. bearing or containing silica.
SILICIFICATIONsilicification n. (Geology) Impregnation with silica; petrification.
SILICIFICATION n. a process whereby silica replaces the original material of a substance, e.g. wood.
SILICIFICATIONSsilicifications n. Plural of silicification.
SILICIFICATION n. a process whereby silica replaces the original material of a substance, e.g. wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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