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There are 6 words beginning with SESTER

SESTERCEsesterce n. (Numismatics) A sestertius.
SESTERCE n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERTIUS.
SESTERCESsesterces n. Plural of sesterce.
SESTERCE n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERTIUS.
SESTERTIAsestertia n. Plural of sestertium.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SESTERTIIsestertii n. Plural of sestertius.
SESTERTIUS n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERCE.
SESTERTIUMsestertium n. (Historical) A money of account equal to 1000 sestertii.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SESTERTIUSsestertius n. (Historical numismatics) A large bronze or (rarely) small silver coin minted during the Roman Republic…
SESTERTIUS n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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