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There are 16 words beginning with SEQUEN

SEQUENCEsequence n. A set of things next to each other in a set order; a series.
sequence n. (Uncountable) The state of being sequent or following; order of succession.
sequence n. A series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated, with some change each time, such as…
SEQUENCEDsequenced v. Simple past tense and past participle of sequence.
sequenced adj. (Genetics) Whose sequence (of bases or genes) has been determined.
SEQUENCE v. to arrange in order.
SEQUENCERsequencer n. Any device that activates or deactivates the components of a machine or system according to a preplanned…
sequencer n. A device or system that orders and/or modifies digitally stored music and sound for playback.
sequencer n. A device for determining the sequence of monomers in a polymer, especially amino acids in protein, or…
SEQUENCERSsequencers n. Plural of sequencer.
SEQUENCER n. a device connected to a synthesizer that can memorize sequences of notes.
SEQUENCESsequences n. Plural of sequence.
sequences v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sequence.
SEQUENCE v. to arrange in order.
SEQUENCIESsequencies n. Plural of sequency.
SEQUENCY n. the following of one thing after another.
SEQUENCINGsequencing v. Present participle of sequence.
sequencing n. Arrangement in a sequence.
sequencing n. (Molecular biology) The procedure of determining the order of amino acids in the polypeptide chain of…
SEQUENCINGSsequencings n. Plural of sequencing.
SEQUENCING n. he act of arranging in consecutive order.
SEQUENCYsequency n. (Mathematics) Half the number of zero crossings in the time base of a Walsh function.
sequency n. A pattern or order of sequential items in a series.
SEQUENCY n. the following of one thing after another.
SEQUENTsequent adj. (Obsolete) That comes after in time or order; subsequent.
sequent adj. (Now rare) That follows on as a result, conclusion etc.; consequent to, on, upon.
sequent adj. Recurring in succession or as a series; successive, consecutive.
SEQUENTIALsequential adj. Succeeding or following in order.
sequential adj. (Programming) Executed as a sequence of instructions, without concurrency or parallelism.
SEQUENTIAL adj. succeeding or following in order.
SEQUENTIALITIESSEQUENTIALITY n. the state of being sequential.
SEQUENTIALITYsequentiality n. The condition of being sequential.
SEQUENTIALITY n. the state of being sequential.
SEQUENTIALLYsequentially adv. In sequence, in order.
SEQUENTIAL adv. succeeding or following in order.
SEQUENTLYSEQUENT adv. following.
SEQUENTSsequents n. Plural of sequent.
SEQUENT n. a follower.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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