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There are 10 fourteen-letter words beginning with SUPERI

SUPERIMPORTANTsuperimportant adj. Very important.
SUPERIMPORTANT adj. having a very high degree of importance.
SUPERIMPOSABLEsuperimposable adj. Able to be superimposed.
SUPERIMPOSABLE adj. capable of being superimposed.
SUPERINCUMBENTsuperincumbent adj. (Chiefly sciences) Lying or resting on something else; overlying.
SUPERINCUMBENT adj. resting on top; overlying; overhanging.
SUPERINDUCTIONsuperinduction n. The act or the result of superinducing.
SUPERINDUCTION n. the act of superinducing.
SUPERINFECTINGsuperinfecting v. Present participle of superinfect.
SUPERINFECT v. to infect with a superinfection.
SUPERINFECTIONsuperinfection n. An infection which follows or occurs during another infection or disease process.
SUPERINFECTION n. an infection arising during and in addition to another infection and caused by a different (or a different variety of the same) microorganism.
SUPERINSULATEDsuperinsulated adj. (Of a building etc.) Having superinsulation.
superinsulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of superinsulate.
SUPERINSULATED adj. extremely insulated.
SUPERINTENDENTsuperintendent n. A person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something.
superintendent n. (Commonwealth) A police rank used in Commonwealth countries, ranking above chief inspector, and below…
superintendent n. The manager of a building, usually a communal residence, who is responsible for keeping the facilities…
SUPERINTENDINGsuperintending v. Present participle of superintend.
SUPERINTEND v. to have or exercise the charge and oversight of.
SUPERINTENSITYsuperintensity n. The quality of being very intense.
SUPERINTENSITY n. extreme intensity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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