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There are 19 words beginning with STILT

STILTstilt n. Either of two poles with footrests that allow someone to stand or walk above the ground; used mostly by entertainers.
stilt n. A tall pillar or post used to support some structure; often above water.
stilt n. Any of various wading birds of the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus, related to the avocet, that…
STILTBIRDstiltbird n. The stilt, a wading bird.
STILTBIRD n. a long-legged wading bird related to the avocet.
STILTBIRDSstiltbirds n. Plural of stiltbird.
STILTBIRD n. a long-legged wading bird related to the avocet.
STILTEDstilted adj. Making use of or possessing a stilt or stilts, or things resembling stilts; raised on stilts.
stilted adj. (Figuratively) Elevated or raised in a contrived or unnatural way; stiff and artificially formal or…
stilted adj. (Architecture) Of a building or architectural feature such as an arch or vault: supported by stilts…
STILTEDLYstiltedly adv. Stiffly, or in an unnatural manner.
STILTED adv. STILT, to raise on long slender poles.
STILTEDNESSstiltedness n. Self-consciousness, out-of-place formality, or forced behavior.
STILTEDNESS n. the state of being stilted.
STILTEDNESSESstiltednesses n. Plural of stiltedness.
STILTEDNESS n. the state of being stilted.
STILTERstilter n. (Zoology, archaic) Any long-legged wading bird.
STILTER n. one who walks on stilts.
STILTERSstilters n. Plural of stilter.
STILTER n. one who walks on stilts.
STILTIERstiltier adj. Comparative form of stilty: more stilty.
STILTY adj. stilt-like.
STILTIESTstiltiest adj. Superlative form of stilty: most stilty.
STILTY adj. stilt-like.
STILTINESSSTILTINESS n. the quality of being stilted.
STILTINESSESSTILTINESS n. the quality of being stilted.
STILTINGstilting v. Present participle of stilt.
stilting n. Stilted language or movement.
stilting n. A structure made of stilts.
STILTINGSstiltings n. Plural of stilting.
STILTING n. the act of stilting.
STILTISHstiltish adj. Resembling stilts; stiltlike.
stiltish adj. Stilted; awkward.
STILTISH adj. somewhat stilty.
STILTLIKEstiltlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a stilt.
STILTLIKE adj. like a stilt.
STILTSstilts n. Plural of stilt.
STILT v. to raise on long slender poles.
STILTYstilty adj. (Archaic) pompous.
stilty adj. (Of a gait) uneven, as if walking on stilts.
stilty adj. Resembling stilts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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