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There are 17 words beginning with STEMM

STEMMAstemma n. A family tree or recorded genealogy.
stemma n. In the study of stemmatics, a diagram showing the relationship of a text to its manuscripts.
stemma n. One of the types of simple eyes in arthropods.
STEMMASstemmas n. Plural of stemma.
STEMMA n. (Greek) a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
STEMMATAstemmata n. Plural of stemma.
STEMMA n. (Greek) a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
STEMMATICstemmatic adj. Relating to stemmatics.
stemmatic adj. (Zoology) Relating to a stemma.
STEMMATIC adj. relating to a stemma, a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
STEMMATOUSSTEMMATOUS adj. of or like a stemma.
STEMMEstemme n. Obsolete form of stem.
stemme n. (LGBT) A lesbian who combines stud and femme traits.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMMEDstemmed adj. Having a stem.
stemmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stem.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMMERstemmer n. (Computing, linguistics) Software used to produce the stem from the inflected form of words.
STEMMER n. a metal bar used to tamp down a charge in a blasting hole.
STEMMERIESstemmeries n. Plural of stemmery.
STEMMERY n. a place where tobacco leaves are stripped.
STEMMERSstemmers n. Plural of stemmer.
STEMMER n. a metal bar used to tamp down a charge in a blasting hole.
STEMMERYstemmery n. (US) A building in which tobacco is stemmed.
STEMMERY n. a place where tobacco leaves are stripped.
STEMMESstemmes n. Plural of stemme.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMMIERstemmier adj. Comparative form of stemmy: more stemmy.
STEMMY adj. abounding in stems, or mixed with stems; said of tea, dried currants, etc.
STEMMIESTstemmiest adj. Superlative form of stemmy: most stemmy.
STEMMY adj. abounding in stems, or mixed with stems; said of tea, dried currants, etc.
STEMMINGstemming v. Present participle of stem.
stemming n. (Nautical) Movement against a current, especially a tidal current.
stemming n. A process for removing the inflexional, and sometimes derivational, affixes from words.
STEMMINGSstemmings n. Plural of stemming.
STEMMING n. material used for tamping a hole.
STEMMYstemmy adj. Resembling, or characterised by, stems.
STEMMY adj. abounding in stems, or mixed with stems; said of tea, dried currants, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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