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There are 13 words beginning with STATO

STATORstator n. The stationary part of a motor or other machine.
STATOR n. a part of a machine about which the rotor revolves.
STATORSstators n. Plural of stator.
STATOR n. a part of a machine about which the rotor revolves.
STATOCYSTstatocyst n. (Zoology) An organ of balance found in some aquatic invertebrates, consisting of a sac-like structure…
STATOCYST n. an organ of balance in some invertebrates.
STATOLITHstatolith n. A specialized form of amyloplast involved in graviperception by plant roots and most invertebrates.
STATOLITH n. a small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium.
STATOBLASTstatoblast n. (Zoology) One of a peculiar kind of internal buds, or germs, produced in the interior of certain Bryozoa…
STATOBLAST n. a reproductive body on bryozoans.
STATOCYSTSstatocysts n. Plural of statocyst.
STATOCYST n. an organ of balance in some invertebrates.
STATOLATRYstatolatry n. The worship of the state.
STATOLATRY n. the act or practice of idolizing the state.
STATOLITHSstatoliths n. Plural of statolith.
STATOLITH n. a small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium.
STATOSCOPEstatoscope n. An instrument used for indicating or recording small changes in barometric pressure or in the altitude of an aircraft.
STATOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure.
STATOBLASTSstatoblasts n. Plural of statoblast.
STATOBLAST n. a reproductive body on bryozoans.
STATOLITHICSTATOLITHIC adj. of or like a statolith.
STATOSCOPESstatoscopes n. Plural of statoscope.
STATOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure.
STATOLATRIESSTATOLATRY n. the act or practice of idolizing the state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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