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There are 17 words beginning with SPATI

SPATIALspatial adj. Pertaining to (the dimension of) space.
spatial adj. (Uncommon) Pertaining to (outer) space.
SPATIAL adj. pertaining to space, also SPACIAL.
SPATIALLYspatially adv. With reference to space or arrangement in space.
SPATIAL adv. pertaining to space, also SPACIAL.
SPATIALISEspatialise v. Alternative form of spatialize.
SPATIALITYspatiality n. The condition of being spatial.
spatiality n. The effect of spatial position on a system.
SPATIALITY n. relation to space.
SPATIALIZEspatialize v. (Transitive, music, art) To localize sounds in physical space.
spatialize v. (Transitive, sociology) To place into a physical or geographical context.
SPATIALISEDspatialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of spatialise.
SPATIALISESspatialises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spatialise.
SPATIALIZEDspatialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of spatialize.
SPATIALIZESspatializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spatialize.
SPATIALISINGspatialising v. Present participle of spatialise.
SPATIALITIESspatialities n. Plural of spatiality.
SPATIALITY n. relation to space.
SPATIALIZINGspatializing v. Present participle of spatialize.
SPATIALISATIONspatialisation n. Alternative form of spatialization.
SPATIALISATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALIZATION.
SPATIALIZATIONspatialization n. The act or process of spatializing.
SPATIALIZATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALISATION.
SPATIOTEMPORALspatiotemporal adj. Of, concerning, or existing in both space and time.
spatiotemporal adj. Of or concerning spacetime.
spatio-temporal adj. Alternative form of spatiotemporal.
SPATIALISATIONSspatialisations n. Plural of spatialisation.
SPATIALISATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALIZATION.
SPATIALIZATIONSspatializations n. Plural of spatialization.
SPATIALIZATION n. the process of causing something to occupy space or assume some of the properties of space, also SPATIALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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