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There are 18 words beginning with SLANG

SLANGslang n. Language outside of conventional usage and in the informal register.
slang n. Language that is unique to a particular profession or subject; jargon.
slang n. The specialized language of a social group, sometimes used to conceal one’s meaning from outsiders; cant.
SLANGSslangs n. Plural of slang.
slangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slang.
SLANG v. to use extremely informal language.
SLANGYslangy adj. Including or given to slang.
slangy adj. (Dated) Flashy; vulgar; loud in dress, manner, and conversation.
SLANGY adj. full of slang.
SLANGEDslanged v. Simple past tense and past participle of slang.
SLANG v. to use extremely informal language.
SLANGERslanger n. A person who speaks or writes slang.
slanger n. A drug dealer, especially one working as part of a network of criminals.
SLANGER n. a hawker; a dealer in illegal drugs.
SLANGERSslangers n. Plural of slanger.
SLANGER n. a hawker; a dealer in illegal drugs.
SLANGIERslangier adj. Comparative form of slangy: more slangy.
SLANGY adj. full of slang.
SLANGILYslangily adv. In a slangy way.
SLANGY adv. full of slang.
SLANGINGslanging v. Present participle of slang.
SLANGING adj. scolding.
SLANGING n. a scolding.
SLANGISHslangish adj. Similar to or resembling slang.
SLANGISH adj. somewhat slangy.
SLANGIESTslangiest adj. Superlative form of slangy: most slangy.
SLANGY adj. full of slang.
SLANGUAGEslanguage n. (Somewhat informal) A particular vernacular or vocabulary of slang; the jargon or lingo of a particular group.
SLANGUAGE n. a slang language.
SLANGULARslangular adj. (Archaic) slangy.
SLANGULAR adj. (Dickens) slangy.
SLANGINESSslanginess n. The state or condition of being slangy.
SLANGINESS n. the state of being slangy.
SLANGUAGESslanguages n. Plural of slanguage.
SLANGUAGE n. a slang language.
SLANGINESSESSLANGINESS n. the state of being slangy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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