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There are 14 words beginning with SERVA

SERVALserval n. A medium-sized African wild cat, Leptailurus serval, formerly Felis serval.
SERVAL n. (Portuguese) a long-legged African wildcat with a yellowish coat and black spots.
SERVALSservals n. Plural of serval.
SERVAL n. (Portuguese) a long-legged African wildcat with a yellowish coat and black spots.
SERVANTservant n. One who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation. As opposed to a slave.
servant n. One who serves another, providing help in some manner.
servant n. (Religion) A person who dedicates themselves to God.
SERVABLEservable adj. Capable (As a meal, lawsuit, etc.) of being served.
servable adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being preserved.
SERVABLE adj. capable of being served, also SERVEABLE.
SERVANTSservants n. Plural of servant.
servants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of servant.
SERVANT v. to act as servant.
SERVANTEDservanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of servant.
SERVANT v. to act as servant.
SERVANTRYservantry n. A body of servants; servants collectively.
SERVANTRY n. a body of servants; servants, collectively.
SERVANTINGservanting v. Present participle of servant.
SERVANT v. to act as servant.
SERVANTHOODservanthood n. The role of being a servant.
SERVANTHOOD n. the state of being a servant.
SERVANTLESSservantless adj. Without a servant or servants.
SERVANTLESS adj. without servants.
SERVANTRIESSERVANTRY n. a body of servants; servants, collectively.
SERVANTSHIPservantship n. The role or status of servant.
SERVANTSHIP n. the state of being a servant.
SERVANTHOODSservanthoods n. Plural of servanthood.
SERVANTHOOD n. the state of being a servant.
SERVANTSHIPSSERVANTSHIP n. the state of being a servant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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