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There are 16 words beginning with SEAWA

SEAWANseawan n. Wampum (small beads made from polished shells).
SEAWAN n. (Native American) shell beads used by Algonquin Indians as money, also SEAWANT, SEWAN.
SEAWAYseaway n. (Nautical) A lane or route at sea that is regularly used by ships; a sea lane or trade route.
seaway n. (Nautical) An inland waterway used by seagoing shipping.
seaway n. (Nautical) The headway of a vessel.
SEAWALLseawall n. A coastal defence in the form of a wall or an embankment.
sea␣wall n. Alternative spelling of seawall.
SEAWALL n. a wall to protect a shoreline from erosion.
SEAWANSseawans n. Plural of seawan.
SEAWAN n. (Native American) shell beads used by Algonquin Indians as money, also SEAWANT, SEWAN.
SEAWANTseawant n. Alternative form of seawan (wampum).
SEAWANT n. (Native American) shell beads used by Algonquin Indians as money, also SEAWAN, SEWAN.
SEAWARDseaward adj. Being in or facing towards the sea, as opposed to the land.
seaward adv. In the direction of the sea, toward the sea.
Seaward prop.n. A surname.
SEAWAREseaware n. (Archaic) Flotsam; articles cast up by the sea.
seaware n. A kind of kelp; sea girdles.
SEAWARE n. seaweed used as fertilizer.
SEAWAYSseaways n. Plural of seaway.
SEAWAY n. an inland waterway on which oceangoing vessels can sail.
SEAWALLSseawalls n. Plural of seawall.
sea␣walls n. Plural of sea wall.
SEAWALL n. a wall to protect a shoreline from erosion.
SEAWANTSseawants n. Plural of seawant.
SEAWANT n. (Native American) shell beads used by Algonquin Indians as money, also SEAWAN, SEWAN.
SEAWARDSseawards adv. Towards the sea.
SEAWARDS adv. towards the sea, also SEAWARD.
SEAWARESSEAWARE n. seaweed used as fertilizer.
SEAWATERseawater n. The saltwater of a sea or ocean.
seawater adj. (Not comparable) Consisting of seawater.
seawater adj. (Not comparable) Associated in some way with seawater, or intended for dealing with seawater.
SEAWALLEDSEAWALLED adj. having a seawall.
SEAWARDLYseawardly adv. Toward the sea.
SEAWARD adv. towards the sea, also SEAWARDS.
SEAWATERSseawaters n. Plural of seawater.
SEAWATER n. water from the sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 25 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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