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There are 19 words beginning with SALPI

SALPIANsalpian n. (Zoology, obsolete) A salp.
SALPIAN n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPID.
SALPIANSsalpians n. Plural of salpian.
SALPIAN n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPID.
SALPICONsalpicon n. A type of stuffing of cooked, diced ingredients with a sauce, used especially for veal.
SALPICON n. (French) a dish comprising game, fish, poultry, truffles etc. in sauce.
SALPICONSsalpicons n. Plural of salpicon.
SALPICON n. (French) a dish comprising game, fish, poultry, truffles etc. in sauce.
SALPIDsalpid n. (Zoology) Any member of the family Salpidae of salps.
SALPID n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPIAN.
SALPIDSsalpids n. Plural of salpid.
SALPID n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPIAN.
SALPIFORMsalpiform adj. Resembling a salp.
SALPIFORM adj. shaped like a barrel.
SALPIGLOSSESsalpiglosses n. Plural of salpiglossis.
SALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SALPIGLOSSISsalpiglossis n. Any of several plants, of the genus Salpiglossis]], that have variegated, funnel-shaped blossoms in…
Salpiglossis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – certain flowering plants.
SALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SALPIGLOSSISESSALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SALPINGECTOMIESsalpingectomies n. Plural of salpingectomy.
SALPINGECTOMY n. surgical removal of the salpinx.
SALPINGECTOMYsalpingectomy n. (Gynaecology, surgery) Surgical removal of the Fallopian tubes.
SALPINGECTOMY n. surgical removal of the salpinx.
SALPINGESsalpinges n. Plural of salpinx.
SALPINX n. (Greek) an anatomical tube.
SALPINGIANsalpingian adj. Synonym of salpingeal.
SALPINGIAN adj. of or like the salpinx, the Eustachian tube.
SALPINGITICsalpingitic adj. Relating to salpingitis.
SALPINGITIC adj. of, or of the nature of, salpingitis.
SALPINGITISsalpingitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the Fallopian tube or the Eustachian tube as a result of infection.
SALPINGITIS n. inflammation of the salpinx.
SALPINGITISESsalpingitises n. Plural of salpingitis.
SALPINGITIS n. inflammation of the salpinx.
SALPINXsalpinx n. (Anatomy) A trumpet-shaped tube.
SALPINX n. (Greek) an anatomical tube.
SALPINXESsalpinxes n. Plural of salpinx.
SALPINX n. (Greek) an anatomical tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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