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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with STRAP

STRAPHANGstraphang v. (Intransitive) To ride public transport while standing and holding onto a strap.
strap-hang v. Alternative form of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHUNGstraphung v. Simple past tense and past participle of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
STRAPLESSstrapless adj. Without a strap or straps; usually describing women’s clothing without shoulder straps.
STRAPLESS adj. without (shoulder) straps.
STRAPLESS n. a strapless garment.
STRAPLIKEstraplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a strap.
STRAPLIKE adj. like a strap.
STRAPLINEstrapline n. (Journalism) A secondary heading, especially one printed above another.
strapline n. (Britain) A memorable slogan attached to a commercial brand.
strap␣line n. Alternative form of strapline.
STRAPPADOstrappado n. A form of torture in which the victim is hung from the ceiling by a rope attached to the hands, which…
strappado v. (Transitive) To torture by means of this device.
STRAPPADO n. (Italian) a form of torture in which victim is left dangling from a rope.
STRAPPERSstrappers n. Plural of strapper.
STRAPPER n. an apprentice, a learner.
STRAPPIERstrappier adj. Comparative form of strappy: more strappy.
STRAPPY adj. having straps.
STRAPPINGstrapping v. Present participle of strap.
strapping adj. Having a sturdy muscular physique; robust.
strapping adj. (Obsolete) Of a young woman: full of vigor; lusty.
STRAPWORTstrapwort n. The plant Corrigiola litoralis.
STRAPWORT n. a seaside plant of the pink family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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