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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with STAND

STANDARDSstandards n. Plural of standard.
standards n. Principles of conduct shaped by one’s ideas of morality, decency and honor.
STANDARD n. an established measure of comparison.
STANDAWAYstandaway adj. (Clothing) Denoting a kind of rolled collar that stands away from the neck.
STANDAWAY adj. of a skirt, standing out from the body.
STANDDOWNstanddown n. Alternative spelling of stand-down.
stand-down n. (Military) A time when soldiers are not on alert.
stand␣down v. (Idiomatic) To wait; to stop pursuing, stop fighting, or relax from a heightened readiness posture.
STANDFASTstand␣fast v. (Idiomatic) stand firm.
stand␣fast interj. (Archery) a warning not to pass between the arrow and the target.
STANDFAST n. a reliable person or thing.
STANDGALEstandgale n. (UK, dialect) A bird, the stannel.
STANDGALE n. a corrupt form of staniel, the kestrel, also STANIEL, STANNEL, STANYEL.
STANDINGSstandings n. Plural of standing.
standings n. A collective list of the standing of each team in a league.
Standings prop.n. Plural of Standing.
STANDOFFSstandoffs n. Plural of standoff.
stand-offs n. Plural of stand-off.
STANDOFF n. a tie or a draw, in a game.
STANDOUTSstandouts n. Plural of standout.
STANDOUT n. one that shows marked superiority.
STANDOVERstandover n. The height above ground of the top horizontal tube of the frame of a bicycle.
standover adj. Using intimidation or threats of force to coerce others into submission or compliance.
STANDOVER n. a threatening or intimidating act.
STANDPIPEstandpipe n. A vertical pipe into which water is pumped so that a desired pressure is available at the bottom.
standpipe n. The water supply of a building for the use of firefighters.
STANDPIPE n. a pipe for supplying water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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