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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with SILIC

SILICATEDsilicated adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing silicate or silica.
SILICATE v. to combine with silica.
SILICATESsilicates n. Plural of silicate.
SILICATE v. to combine with silica.
SILICEOUSsiliceous adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling silica or silicates.
SILICEOUS adj. consisting in a noteworthy part of silica, typically quartz, also SILICIOUS.
SILICIDESsilicides n. Plural of silicide.
SILICIDE n. a silicon compound.
SILICIOUSsilicious adj. Alternative spelling of siliceous.
SILICIOUS adj. consisting in a noteworthy part of silica, typically quartz, also SILICEOUS.
SILICIUMSSILICIUM n. the original name of the element silicon.
SILICONESsilicones n. Plural of silicone.
silicones n. (Informal, uncommon) Breasts that have been enhanced or reconstructed with silicone breast implants.
silicones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of silicone.
SILICOSESsilicoses n. Plural of silicosis.
SILICOSIS n. a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust.
SILICOSISsilicosis n. (Pathology) A disease of the lungs caused by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust.
SILICOSIS n. a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust.
SILICOTICsilicotic adj. Of, relating to, or affected with silicosis.
silicotic n. A person who has silicosis.
SILICOTIC n. someone suffering from silicosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust.
SILICULAEsiliculae n. Plural of silicula.
SILICULA n. (Latin) a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long, also SILICLE, SILICULE.
SILICULASsiliculas n. Plural of silicula.
SILICULA n. (Latin) a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long, also SILICLE, SILICULE.
SILICULESsilicules n. Plural of silicule.
SILICULE n. a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long, also SILICLE, SILICULA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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