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There are 7 nine-letter words beginning with SACRA

SACRALGIAsacralgia n. (Pathology) Pain in the sacral region.
SACRALGIA n. inflammation of the sacrum.
SACRALISEsacralise v. Alternative form of sacralize.
SACRALISE v. to make sacred, also SACRALIZE.
SACRALITYsacrality n. The property of being sacral; sacredness.
SACRALITY n. the state of being SACRAL.
SACRALIZEsacralize v. (Religion) to make sacred.
SACRALIZE v. to make sacred, also SACRALISE.
SACRAMENTsacrament n. (Christianity) A sacred act and the attendant ceremony, considered (theology) an outward sign of divine grace.
sacrament n. (In particular) The Eucharist.
sacrament n. The consecrated Eucharist (especially the bread).
SACRARIALSACRARIAL adj. of or like a sacrarium, a sanctuary.
SACRARIUMsacrarium n. (Historical) In Ancient Rome, a place where sacred objects were kept, either in a temple (the adytum)…
sacrarium n. The area surrounding the altar of a Christian church; the sanctuary or piscina. Sometimes specifically…
sacrarium n. (Anatomy) The complex sacrum of any bird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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