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There are 12 words beginning with SURT

SURTAXsurtax n. (Law) An additional or extra tax.
surtax v. (Transitive) To impose a surtax upon.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
SURTOUTsurtout n. A man’s overcoat; a close-bodied frock coat.
surtout n. (Fortifications) A raised portion of the parapet of a work at the angles, to protect from enfilade fire.
SURTOUT n. (French) a man's coat to be worn over his other garments.
SURTAXEDsurtaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of surtax.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
SURTAXESsurtaxes n. Plural of surtax.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
SURTITLEsurtitle n. A translation of a segment of the libretto or other text or sometimes a brief summary of the plot projected…
surtitle v. To provide surtitles for a performance.
SURTITLE n. a translation printed above a performance.
SURTOUTSsurtouts n. Plural of surtout.
SURTOUT n. (French) a man's coat to be worn over his other garments.
SURTAXINGsurtaxing v. Present participle of surtax.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
SURTITLESsurtitles n. Plural of surtitle.
SURTITLE n. a translation printed above a performance.
SURTARBRANDsurtarbrand n. Alternative form of surturbrand.
SURTARBRAND n. (Icelandic) a lignite found interbedded with lavas in Iceland, also SURTURBRAND.
SURTURBRANDsurturbrand n. A fibrous brown coal or bituminous wood.
SURTURBRAND n. (Icelandic) a lignite found interbedded with lavas in Iceland, also SURTARBRAND.
SURTARBRANDSSURTARBRAND n. (Icelandic) a lignite found interbedded with lavas in Iceland, also SURTURBRAND.
SURTURBRANDSSURTURBRAND n. (Icelandic) a lignite found interbedded with lavas in Iceland, also SURTARBRAND.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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